Friday, 12 November 2010

Choices Filming Day 2 (12/11/10)

Today we met in bath at 9: 30 at Wetherspoons, where we had breakfast as a crew and discussed the previous days shoot and plans for today's. The first scene we shot was a short scene, where Dan shows Greg he can teleport. This didnt take to long and soon we moved on to film the next scene (where dan see's Olivia down the ally). The original place we had planned to film turned out to be to busy and soon after arriving we decided it was not suitable. A few shops opened out in to the ally and it would have been a nightmare trying to keep the continuity consistant with pedestrians/shoppers constantly walking through out 'set'. Also as Ed had not heard back from the Bath Film Office we didnt know weather we should film in a location we didnt have permission to. And also our main character had to go for an hour to help another group with there film, so we would have been pushed for time anyway.

So we instead decided to go to the Wier with the idea of filming under the bridge on the river. But shortly after arriving we saw a good looking ally way under GG's Steakhouse. Dani went inside to ask if it would be okay to film there, and as she did the owner came out and asked me what we were up to. So i told him and he was happy to let us use it, and to sign a release form, which was great as we were yet to be granted permission to film anywhere else. As our 'Dan' was not yet back we made a start by gathering the CU's and any shots we could of the other characters, to make the most of our time on location. After getting all the shots we could without Dan present, we took a short break to wait for him.

Once he was back we met him and headed for the location. We had already told the owner we would be back later on, so he was expecting us, but when we arrived he asked us how long we were going to be because he had to leave. So we quickly filmed all the shots with the ally in the frame, so he could lock up the gates and leave. By this time it was begining to rain and this conflicted with the earlier shots we had filmed. So we did our best to keep the actors and equipment dry (as you can see in the image below) but after a while there wasnt really much we could do. However we finished the shoot anyway and gathered all the shots we needed. I just hope that the change in weather is not to apparent in the edit, which im hoping it wownt be as it was overcast all day. So atleast the lighting will be similar from shot to shot.

The plan was to then walk to Dans house to film the remaining 2 scenes. But due to the heavy rain and having to carry all the eqipment, the group decided to get a bus there. I didnt have any money so i would have had to walk there, so everyone was happy to do the remaining scenes without me. Although i said if they needed any help they could ring me, and id go there if there were any problems. But in a way im glad i wasnt going to be there because i feel like ive had a strong input through out the filming so far, and this way itll be good to see how everyone handles there roles without me there. And i think they will do well, everyones taken on there roles very well and really adapted to working as part of a team. Im also looking forward to editing a couple of scenes that i didnt witness being filmed, as i think this will improve my editing skills, and be more like a proffesional editors role.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Choices Filming Day 1 (11/11/10)

Today we met at 10AM at newton park to get started filming our version of Choices. Dani did a great job of sorting out the cast and equipment and by 10:30 we were started. Originally i was meant to be directing for todays session, but when i arrived i found out Hope was here, so i filled in sound recording as Ed wasnt available until the afternoon. I also helped with directing/ and setting up shots.

Unfortunatly the Sony Z1 was only available until friday and we had scheduled to film over the weekend, so we instead chose to use a Sony 3cmos which is of a similar spec, and is available to use for the whole of our production, this prevents having to use a different camera for different scenes.

I enjoyed doing sound for a few scenes and found it interesting seeing the production from a different view point. For one of the scenes we shot outside i thought it would be nice to use a high zoom from a long distance to create a real depth of feel in the frame. The only problem with this was that once we set up the shot, the boom mic lead wasnt long enough to reach the subjects! so i got as close as i could without getting in the frame. And just incase the sound wasnt strong enough i then asked the actors to record there lines a few times to the camera, so i then have some dialogue to fall- back on if i have to dub it in the edit.

We then had a couple of hours break, due to the fact we had to wait until 4PM to use Mike Johnston's office to film. This was because the office contains private/confidential documents so we had to be supervised while shooting. ALthough mikes current office was not the one we were intending to film in, so we asked and he kindly sorted out the other room for us. We completed the scene a little later than we had planned but we managed to get all the shots we needed, plus some extra shots we improvised on set, that i look forward to playing around with in the edit. We are next meeting tomorrow at 9:30 to film the scenes in town, so hopefully the weather will be kind to us!

Choice's Roles

I am happy with my group for the choices script, after the first few meetings its clear that everyone wants to do well and are coming up with good ideas. Weve spoken about the script and decided that we want to end it with a bit more of a twist. So instead of both Greg and Dan getting stuck in the class room at the end, we are going to have dan escape without Greg, by using his power through a closet door. i think this will work well because through out the film we see Dan being pushed around by greg and never really standing up to him, so i want to make the ending show that Dan has the courage to stand up to him and NOT be a loser. I think this will also make the audience connect more with Dan and respect him, but also empathyse his position with Greg and understand why its such a big thing for him to stand up to him.

Dan is going to rewrite the script with this ending, and Kay is going to do casting. For the production Ed is going to take on the role of sound, David is going to be the camera man, and Dani is going to be the producer. I originally wanted to Direct the film, but after finding out Hope wanted to aswell, i decided to let her as she hasn't done it before, and instead i will just help with the over all production as ive had alot more experience with the practical side of things than anyone else, and am comfortable with any of the roles. My main role is going to be editing, which i am happy with as i think this is going to be an entertaining production and im eager to see how our script comes together.

Were planning to film on the thursday due to some of the actors/crews availablity, instead of the saturday. So we will aim to shoot all of the scenes at the uni then, this is also when weve been able to book Mike's office. Friday we will do all scenes in town and the scene at Dans house. And if all goes to plan we wownt have to film after that. Although we have scheduled to shoot on sunday just incase we miss anything, or cant fit it all in to friday.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

shot list

Shot List - Easy Money

Scene 1: INT: Adrians house

Shot :
1: CU Jonny flicking kettle on
2: MS Adrian asleep on sofa, jonny throws bills at him, he wakes up. Pan to shot 3
3: MS Jonny sits down looking over Adrian
4: Over shoulder shot, Adrian looking at a stern Jonny.
5: Over shoulder shot, Jonny looking at a tired Adrian.
(Cut between shot 4/5 for dialogue, with cut away's in between)
6: MS Jonny sitting infront of Adrian, who asks him 'whats the time' then leaves the room in a hurry, camera pans to follow him.
7: CU Jonny drops Head in to his hands and looks worried

Cut aways for Scene 1:
1: Low pan of messy floor
2: CU's of empty alcohol bottles/cans
3: MS of messy Kitchen
4: MS/CU of washing up

Scene 2: INT: Pub

1: LS pan to follow Adrian run around corner and up to pub entrance, takes a moment to sort his appearence then walks up the stairs to pub and enters.
2: MS Adrian Walking through pub door to face an angry cheryl sat on a table opposite.
3: OS shot Adrian, takes his place sat opposite Cheryl.
4: OS shot Cheryl, we see a pleading Adrian
5: Two Shot, Adrian and Cheryl sat facing each other.
(Then cut between shots 3/4 as dialogue progresses)
5: CU (mid argument) Adrian tries to hold Cheryls hand but she pulls away
6: OS Shot Adrian, Cheryl tells him its over
7: MS from next to the door, Cheryl gets up and walks out, Camera pans to follow. Adrian is left central in the shot looking upset/annoyed.
8: LS of Pub entrance, Cheryl walks down stairs and out of shot.
9: MS Adrian sat at table looking upset, until his eyes notice Cheryls purse.
10: CU of purse. Adrians hand enters shot and slides purse back out of shot.
11: Cut back to shot 9. We see Adrian pocket the purse as he gets up to walk out
12: LS Adrian walks out of the pub and down the stairs, has a look to see what direction cheryl walked in and walks in the opposite.
13: XLS Adrian walks around street corner and walks straight toward camera, whilst getting his phone out and dialing a number
14: Camera follows along side Adrian whilst he speaks to Jonny on the phone.

Scene 3: INT: Oily Pete's House

1: MS square behind Pete looking over his head at TV on which hes playing fifa.
2: MS Low angle looking up at Pete, with posters of interests in background
3: Front shot (as if the camera is the TV) of pete with controller intensely playing fifa, Jonny and Adrian enter after knocking and sit either side of Pete.
4: Shot of the 3 of them watching the TV, Whilst Pete has conversation with his mum through the door. Followed by banter with Adrian and Jonny
5: MS from the left, See all 3 of them sat on the bed talking, jonny picks up spliff...
6: CU of Jonny's face
7: Cut back to shot 5, conversation continues up to 'if he cuts your balls off..' followed by arkward silence
8: Two shot Adrian and Pete, look at each other
9: CU jonnys reaction
10: Cut back to two shot (shot 8)
11: MS from Right. Jonny and Adrian get up and leave the room.
12: Adrian reenters room to give pete his tea, and ask the address of raggy.

Scene 4: EXT/INT Raggy's House

1: LS Adrian and Jonny walking up road (toward camera) to raggys, talking.
2: MS High angle Jonny and Adrian walk up past camera toward Raggys door. Camera pans to follow
3: CU from INT, Lawrence's hand on door handle, opens door and tracks outside to show Jonny and Adrian stood there.
4: CU nervous Adrian
5: CU nervous Jonny
6: MS head level behind Jonny and Adrian with Lawrence stood in the doorway down at them, he looks around to make sure noones looking before letting them in. Camera follows them in.
7: POV Adrian, follows Lawrence up to living room door, he then turns and talks directly to Adrian(Camera) 'wait here'
8: Two shot, high angle. looking down at Adrian and jonny. who nervously listen to whats going on inside the room.
9: OS of Raggy, we see a beaten up body on the floor. he orders lawrence to remove him. Then see lawrence drag him in to another room. Raggy then tells them to enter.
10: Same as shot 6, they enter the room.
11: MS from inside room, Adrian and jonny enter, camera pans to follow them, Lawrence emerges from the room he took the body into and stares at them.
12: MS of Raggy head on, wiping blood of knife.
13: Raggy POV, looking at Adrian and jonnys scared faces.
14: Cut back to 12, Raggy walks to the table and sits down, lawrence walks over to stand behind him. Raggy then tells them to sit down. Then asks 'what brings you here'
15: CU jonny looking at knife in raggys hand
16: Knife POV pointed at Jonny as Raggy asks what he has to say for himself.
17: MS of Adrian as Raggy tells him to let Jonny talk, and points knife at him threateningly
18: XCU Raggy's eyes, scoping them out
19: Wide angle with all chars in shot, as they hear a groan come from the next room. Raggy tells Lawrence to sort it out.
20: MS Lawrence leans over jonny threateningly as he passes him.
21: Wide angle
22: CU Raggy's eyes as he tells them he doesnt like being messed around.
23: Raggy POV, looks at them both
24: Zoom out from raggy back to the wide angle.
25: CU Jonny ' you can trust us'
26: Wide angle, Lawrence reenters to get raggy. PAN to follow an angry raggy enter room with random guy in. Closes door behind him. Aidrian spots an opportunity and runs out with drugs. closley followed by Jonny.

Scene 5: EXT: Chase Scene

1: XLS Adrian and Jonny running toward camera, away from raggy's house.
2: improv Chase scene ( on planned route, still need to decide on shots)
3: LS Jonny and Adrian get split up, Jonny runs in the opposite direction from Adrian.
4: LS Aidrian running away from camera and in to an ally.
5: INT: Low angle MCU Raggy. Phones a contact to make sure they are caught.
6: INT: MCU Shoulder level, Raggys contact picking up phone, cut between 5/6 for conversation.
7: Fade to XLS of jonny running through abandoned factory car park, runs through and towards the camera until he passes it, we then see the mob chasing him.
8: Improv shots of him trying to escape/ run away examples, running over a bridge, around corners, down paths, and a shaky cam of him running away, with his face CU and the mob over his shoulder chasing him in the background.
9: LS jonny runs round corner in to one of raggys men, the rest of the mob catch up and start to beat him up, ( quick cuts between puches and kicks until we see jonnys POV as he wets thrown to the ground,
10: POV Jonny looking up to see him getting stamped on. fade to black.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Personal Project

Over all i am happy with the out come of my Cookery video, and feel i achieved what i set out to create. The main things i liked and thought worked were:

-The Cook
Toots was really good and even though she had never done anything like this before she was better than i could have asked for, after a brief discussion about what she had to do and how, she took to the role wonderfully and keeps the audience interested even adding in little unrehearsed tips.

-The Location
Charlton Court turned out to be an ideal place to shoot it, with a good layout to accommodate for the variety of shots i planned and wanted to get.

-The Music
I think it's the perfect type to have used as its a good tempo to be talked over and to fill the image when theres no dialogue, it also helps to make the film feel as though its progressing.

The main things i think could be improved are:

-The Lighting
i think if i had lit the scene myself and had a more even/brighter lighting it would have made the overall image better. If i had used a Three point lighting technique i would have been able to achieve this, but due to lack of availability and time i wasnt able to sort this out.

-The Camera 4JbyS4eYLIaRsAb_6bTeCw
Using a higher quality camera would have benifited my end pictures, such as a Z1, But then again this would only have had real effect if the lighting was too improved.

if i was to do this project again the main thing i would change is: The menu, i would have picked something with little less ingredients as i dint have much time to show each one, and some of the more intricate details that went in to the prep, although they weren't vital, it would have been nice. As my first finished edit for this film (and the one i was most happy with) was 11 mins long.

Overall i am happy with the finished edit and think it is an interesting, and easy to follow recipe. i think that anyone who watches it will be capable of following it and giving cooking a go, regardless of their skill/knowledge of cooking.

Here is my Finished cookery video:

Group Cookery Video.

For this assignment we were asked to make a short (3 min) video for students on how to make something healthy and affordable. We were put in to small groups of 3 or 4 and i was put with Ant, Kirsty, and Simon. We decided to go with a pasta dish as its something fairly cheap, and nothing to challenging for any new comer student cooks out there. Ant handily remembered that Sainsburys do hand outs for meals, with step by step instructions. So we decided to go with the menu for 'Go Green Pasta' and our aim was to try and present in in a visually clear, easy to follow, and understandable way.

We decided to shoot in Ants Kitchen at Waterside court as it was one of the easiest places for everyone to get to and find, and because Ants house mates were nice enough to let us film there! We used Ants JVC camera and a hired monopod as we didn't feel a tripod was necessary for the shots we wanted to get. We shot in chronological order as this would make the editing process easier later on. Kirsty filled the role of cook, and Simon, Myself and Ant took it in turns to film, and direct, whilst all having in puts when we thought of something.

Ant was pretty happy about editing it as he had access to final cut on his lap top, and it was more a case of putting the footage in order rather than creating edits, and as we had filmed in chronological order we figured it wouldn't take him to long. i would have been happy to edit, but as ant owned final cut it seemed logical to let him. The music we wanted to use originally was Green Onions by Booker T. & The MG's but as we didnt have the right we couldn't keep it in the final edit. So we had some music from a Friend of James Harris's who had gotten the rights for Ant. It doesn't fit the film as well as our original idea but it works.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Group Project Evaluation

Yesterday we finished editing our group project. Im glad that weve got it finished but i wasnt too pleased with the end result. The main thing that let our film down was the planning, along with a lot of things that were out of our control, and to be honest alot of bad luck.

For example: Actors reliability / availability. On many occasions we were let down by actors, the best example of this being the actor that we had cast as adrian pulled out 2 days before filming, after being confirmed for over 3 weeks. This meant we had to use Carlinas boyfriend instead, so we could only film when he was down which limited us to a day or 2 a week at the most, and as he was the main character he was in ever scene. So whenever we were filming we were rushed to try and get each scene done asap so we could move to the next, which resulted in us missing shots, and some dialogue, which was a nightmare in the edit.

Another factor that made editing harder was the fact that most of our cast wernt actually actors, so when shooting they did things dramatically different in different shots, body positions being the main one. Examples of this were in the first scene, Matt(Aidrian) changes body position several times between shots, so the continuity wasn't always good, and often poor. Another example was in the pub scene, Carlina(Cheryl) was sat upright for the whole of her over the shoulder shot, then when we filmed Matts(Aidrians) she had her head rested on her hand. so it made cutting between the 2 imposible. Although these are all things im sure i would have noticed during filming had it not been for the rush we were in to get the scenes filmed.

Timing was another big issue, because on the first day of filming we started late morning filming the first scene, and then moved on to film the third and fourth afterwards, so they were all filmed in the same sort of light (sunny, day time) We got cut short of filming scene 4 because we filmed at chloes house, and one of her house mates wasnt happy with it, so we were asked to leave before we had a chance to shoot some crutial shots at the end of the scene. Which posed another problem in the edit. The next chance we then had to film with Matt and Chris both available was the following week at 8 in the evening, and as this was the last oppurtunity to film with Matt we had no other option. So myself and tom came up with a way of writing Aidrian out of the script so we wouldnt need to use him/film with him again. Our idea was to have Jonny and Aidrian split up while being chased, and to then carry on filming Jonny until he gets away, and then have him recieve a phone call from Aidrian sounding paniced, where we hear him through Jonnys phone say 'ive got away but the police saw me running and chased me' and ofcourse he still has the drugs on him. So we then hear him get arrested through the phone, and we end on a shot of Jonny looking distraught.

The were a lot lessons learnt over the process of making this film, and ones that i will defiantly keep in mid for future productions. The first is not to be too ambitious, and too keep to as few locations, and as little actors as possible. Our Film had a lot of both of these so by the time we got to filming everything was a bit manic and rushed, which hurt the overall outcome of the film. The second is timing. To plan and shoot way before the deadline, this way you have time to keep re-editing and asses the possibilities, and different ways around potential errors. this is something we prayed for during editing, and if wed had time to re shoot certain sequences/shots the continuity of our film could have been greatly improved. The third is to never rely on anyone that isn't in the production team, always have back up equipment/locations/actors because normally people aren't to inclined to do something for nothing (especially actors).

The main positive i took from this film was the idea of getting on with what you've got. Even though we didn't have anywhere near all the shots we needed for the originally planned edit, we still managed to put together a film that flows (mostly) and has a gripping story line. At first the task of editing this film seemed too much to do in the time we had, but once Tom and i got on with it and just thought, this is the only footage we have got so were going to have to make do with it, it went well. Im not happy with the final edit, but i am happy we managed to finish it, as it took a lot of work and was a real group effort. The main thing i would change about this production is the planning. We proved in the later part of the production we could do it, and if we had worked that hard all the way through the film would look a lot more like our original idea.

Here is the finished Film:

And the Bloopers:

Personal Project

For my personal project i have decided to make a cookery video on how to cook a roast dinner:
I chose to make a cookery video because before uni i hadn't ever made, or thought about making a cookery viideo, an after doing it in a group i found it interesting. Ive chosen to do a roast because its a very Britsh meal, and i personally dont know how to make one. So it will be interesting to plan it out and learn myself. Im going to try and make an easy to follow video with a pleasing out come, so anyone that watches it wants, or feels they could do it by following the video.
Im going to have a student cook act in the video so hopefully it will appeal to a younger audience, or people who are new to cooking. Im also going to use a voice over, over the finished edit. My goal is to interest people in cooking, and want to give a seemingly hard meal, a go themselves.
Im currently emailing my cook about the video, and she is going to let me know ingredients etc soon so i can gather them. For location i am going to use my cooks kitchen which is in halls. It isnt ideal but she too has a busy schedule and after talking to her about it, it is the best option. I have been watching a wide range of cookery videos to try and grasp an understanding of the key elements that make up a generic cookery video:
Wide angle
A shot of the cheif stood over, or next to the ingredients, which can be cut too, and from through out the video as they progress.
Close ups
- Of the food as its being prepared / cooked
- Of the cooking implements, e.g. frying pans, pots etc
Panning Shot
Another common aspect of a cookery video, a shoulder/head level shot that slightly pans between the cheif and what hes doing, and also zooms in and out of the action
Here are some videos that show these types of shots:

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Group Production meeting 19.04.10

Today we met up to check out our progress and visit our list of shot locations. After checking with my friend about his availability i found out he isn't available due to work. So we will have to use one of the back up actors as the part of Raggy which is quite annoying because they don't fit the part as well as we would have liked.

Tom tried to book equipment out but couldn't due the fact he wasn't able to on the booking system, so we will have to speak to mike about it in tomorrows lecture. I experimented with creating the 'drugs' by putting flour in to a large baggy, which looks like a good enough method to use in our film.

We've found out that Victoria works will only let us film on the wednesday so due to lack of cast we may have to find a new location to film in (another pub) that we can use later in the week.

Carlina is currently finding out about cast and finalizing who we will use and when, so hopefully we can start filming this week! We are all going to look into finding props for the different scenes to make them more authentic, for example posters, books, things that reflect the characters interests and personalities.

Group Production meeting 18.04.10

We met up for the first time back from easter break to discuss our production, and its progress.
There had been some issues with cast, as 1 of our main characters is now unavailable, even though he had said a month ago he would do it. So we are now looking to replace them, or move filming dates to comply with there free time.

Kieran had heard back from victoria works who said its okay for us to film, but only at specific times, which may or may not fit in with our schedule. So were planning to film between wednesday and saturday, when ever the majority of the cast are available.

Tom has been tasked with sorting out equipment, including a Z1, tripod, microphone's and a monopod. Were also going to use another camera (probably a panasonic) to film the making of, and behind the scenes. These will be made available on the DVD.

Carlina is going to sort out the casting and find out when people are available and at what times, so we can sort out a shooting schedule based around when the most cast are available. She is also going to ask her boyfriend if he can play the part of Adrian, which would be a big help.

I am going to find out about our actor for Raggy as he recently got a job which could compromise his availability. And look in to creating some of the props (for example the drugs, and money which could be hard to make look good) We will meet up tomorrow again to scout locations and feed back on what we've done/found out.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Production Meeting 19 February 2010

Today Keiran and myself came up with a rough, yet finished story line for our film. We decided to simplify our original plan because we were finding it hard to tie together all our ideas in a satisfying way, in such a short space of time.
  1. Johnny finds lots of unpaid bills, electricity goes, milk off etc. Everything going wrong. Chats to Adrian, suggests dealing drugs to earn some more money. Adrian against the idea, too much at stake ie girlfriend.
  2. Adrian meets girlfriend Cheryl, for lunch, she looks fed up. He asks if she can pay. Then asks if she can sort out his rent. She's pissed off and leaves him. Also leaves her wallet. Adrian eyes up the wallet & takes it. BINGO!
  3. Adrian calls Johnny tells him to meet him at certain street.
  4. Walking shot of Adrian telling Johnny he is now keen to deal and that he has money to do it but doesn't go into detail. They walk to their old dealers, Oily Pete.
  5. Inside their oily pete's house, he thinks he's a bit of a G will try and make it funny(?) Both want to know where they can get hold of something stronger. Oily Pete says he is about to go down to Big Druggy Raggy who may be able to sort them out. Oily Pete calls Raggy and gets the go-ahead.
  6. Johnny, Adrian & Oily Pete go to Raggy's and negotiate a deal. Adrian hands the briefcase of money to Raggy, Johnny appears shocked that he has all that cash. Raggy barely checks it but remains intimidating. Raggy eventually hands over the drugs, saying something like "I like you guys, I feel like I can trust ya".
  7. J&A exit Raggy's. Johnny asks how Adrian got the money but Adrian says to start running.
  8. Back to Raggy & co, one of his cronies checking the money. "Boss, we've got a problem..."
  9. Raggy & co "OOOOOIIIII!!!!" Start to chase them.
  10. Big chase scene Raggy & co vs J&A
  11. Police notice Raggy & co with gun so chase them & arrest them
  12. J&A get away, with drugs.
  13. Stills of successful drug deals with captions underneath.
  14. Stills of the other characters, Raggy & co behind bars. End of story!!!!