Thursday 19 August 2010

shot list

Shot List - Easy Money

Scene 1: INT: Adrians house

Shot :
1: CU Jonny flicking kettle on
2: MS Adrian asleep on sofa, jonny throws bills at him, he wakes up. Pan to shot 3
3: MS Jonny sits down looking over Adrian
4: Over shoulder shot, Adrian looking at a stern Jonny.
5: Over shoulder shot, Jonny looking at a tired Adrian.
(Cut between shot 4/5 for dialogue, with cut away's in between)
6: MS Jonny sitting infront of Adrian, who asks him 'whats the time' then leaves the room in a hurry, camera pans to follow him.
7: CU Jonny drops Head in to his hands and looks worried

Cut aways for Scene 1:
1: Low pan of messy floor
2: CU's of empty alcohol bottles/cans
3: MS of messy Kitchen
4: MS/CU of washing up

Scene 2: INT: Pub

1: LS pan to follow Adrian run around corner and up to pub entrance, takes a moment to sort his appearence then walks up the stairs to pub and enters.
2: MS Adrian Walking through pub door to face an angry cheryl sat on a table opposite.
3: OS shot Adrian, takes his place sat opposite Cheryl.
4: OS shot Cheryl, we see a pleading Adrian
5: Two Shot, Adrian and Cheryl sat facing each other.
(Then cut between shots 3/4 as dialogue progresses)
5: CU (mid argument) Adrian tries to hold Cheryls hand but she pulls away
6: OS Shot Adrian, Cheryl tells him its over
7: MS from next to the door, Cheryl gets up and walks out, Camera pans to follow. Adrian is left central in the shot looking upset/annoyed.
8: LS of Pub entrance, Cheryl walks down stairs and out of shot.
9: MS Adrian sat at table looking upset, until his eyes notice Cheryls purse.
10: CU of purse. Adrians hand enters shot and slides purse back out of shot.
11: Cut back to shot 9. We see Adrian pocket the purse as he gets up to walk out
12: LS Adrian walks out of the pub and down the stairs, has a look to see what direction cheryl walked in and walks in the opposite.
13: XLS Adrian walks around street corner and walks straight toward camera, whilst getting his phone out and dialing a number
14: Camera follows along side Adrian whilst he speaks to Jonny on the phone.

Scene 3: INT: Oily Pete's House

1: MS square behind Pete looking over his head at TV on which hes playing fifa.
2: MS Low angle looking up at Pete, with posters of interests in background
3: Front shot (as if the camera is the TV) of pete with controller intensely playing fifa, Jonny and Adrian enter after knocking and sit either side of Pete.
4: Shot of the 3 of them watching the TV, Whilst Pete has conversation with his mum through the door. Followed by banter with Adrian and Jonny
5: MS from the left, See all 3 of them sat on the bed talking, jonny picks up spliff...
6: CU of Jonny's face
7: Cut back to shot 5, conversation continues up to 'if he cuts your balls off..' followed by arkward silence
8: Two shot Adrian and Pete, look at each other
9: CU jonnys reaction
10: Cut back to two shot (shot 8)
11: MS from Right. Jonny and Adrian get up and leave the room.
12: Adrian reenters room to give pete his tea, and ask the address of raggy.

Scene 4: EXT/INT Raggy's House

1: LS Adrian and Jonny walking up road (toward camera) to raggys, talking.
2: MS High angle Jonny and Adrian walk up past camera toward Raggys door. Camera pans to follow
3: CU from INT, Lawrence's hand on door handle, opens door and tracks outside to show Jonny and Adrian stood there.
4: CU nervous Adrian
5: CU nervous Jonny
6: MS head level behind Jonny and Adrian with Lawrence stood in the doorway down at them, he looks around to make sure noones looking before letting them in. Camera follows them in.
7: POV Adrian, follows Lawrence up to living room door, he then turns and talks directly to Adrian(Camera) 'wait here'
8: Two shot, high angle. looking down at Adrian and jonny. who nervously listen to whats going on inside the room.
9: OS of Raggy, we see a beaten up body on the floor. he orders lawrence to remove him. Then see lawrence drag him in to another room. Raggy then tells them to enter.
10: Same as shot 6, they enter the room.
11: MS from inside room, Adrian and jonny enter, camera pans to follow them, Lawrence emerges from the room he took the body into and stares at them.
12: MS of Raggy head on, wiping blood of knife.
13: Raggy POV, looking at Adrian and jonnys scared faces.
14: Cut back to 12, Raggy walks to the table and sits down, lawrence walks over to stand behind him. Raggy then tells them to sit down. Then asks 'what brings you here'
15: CU jonny looking at knife in raggys hand
16: Knife POV pointed at Jonny as Raggy asks what he has to say for himself.
17: MS of Adrian as Raggy tells him to let Jonny talk, and points knife at him threateningly
18: XCU Raggy's eyes, scoping them out
19: Wide angle with all chars in shot, as they hear a groan come from the next room. Raggy tells Lawrence to sort it out.
20: MS Lawrence leans over jonny threateningly as he passes him.
21: Wide angle
22: CU Raggy's eyes as he tells them he doesnt like being messed around.
23: Raggy POV, looks at them both
24: Zoom out from raggy back to the wide angle.
25: CU Jonny ' you can trust us'
26: Wide angle, Lawrence reenters to get raggy. PAN to follow an angry raggy enter room with random guy in. Closes door behind him. Aidrian spots an opportunity and runs out with drugs. closley followed by Jonny.

Scene 5: EXT: Chase Scene

1: XLS Adrian and Jonny running toward camera, away from raggy's house.
2: improv Chase scene ( on planned route, still need to decide on shots)
3: LS Jonny and Adrian get split up, Jonny runs in the opposite direction from Adrian.
4: LS Aidrian running away from camera and in to an ally.
5: INT: Low angle MCU Raggy. Phones a contact to make sure they are caught.
6: INT: MCU Shoulder level, Raggys contact picking up phone, cut between 5/6 for conversation.
7: Fade to XLS of jonny running through abandoned factory car park, runs through and towards the camera until he passes it, we then see the mob chasing him.
8: Improv shots of him trying to escape/ run away examples, running over a bridge, around corners, down paths, and a shaky cam of him running away, with his face CU and the mob over his shoulder chasing him in the background.
9: LS jonny runs round corner in to one of raggys men, the rest of the mob catch up and start to beat him up, ( quick cuts between puches and kicks until we see jonnys POV as he wets thrown to the ground,
10: POV Jonny looking up to see him getting stamped on. fade to black.