Saturday 5 March 2011

Shooting Day 2 - Friday 4th March 09

Today we met for the second day of filming. We first headed to canterbury road to film the outside scene where hannah drops her phone. One of the first shots ed wanted was a long shot of the girls walking round the corner in to shot, with the idea of jump cutting this in the edit. Picking up the sound here was hard as they were so far away and there wasn't really anywhere close i could get with the boom, so i recorded the best i could, and then recorded wild sound of the traffic as a back up. The next part went rather better and we used some interesting shots. One of the hardest to get right was the tracking shot in front of the girls, as we didn't have a track, so David had to walk backwards with the fig rig, while myself and Ed directed him, and i held the boom over his shoulder. It took a few shots to get the hand of but I'm fairly confident the later takes went well. A track or dolly could have improved this shot and would have been better to use than the fig rig. It was also hard to get this shot right because we had to judge the distance between dan and the girls from the previous shots. In the previous shots he had been fairly close to them, so we chose to film it again with him a lot further behind, so that when hannah drops the phone we can cut to a close up of it, and then in the next shot of him picking it up it doesn't matter if he skips forward a bit. Well i though it would be better to do this way that have him to close to them, because then in the shot of her dropping it he would be right behind her. There were also problems with Dans acting when giving the phone back to her. This scene is supposed to show him being quite apologetic when he gives the phone back, and to show he's empathising with her disability, but after around six takes I'm pretty sure they will all look the same. He was blunt and emotionless and we should have thought about getting an actor even just to play this minor roll, as I'm not sure its significance will be the same as it should be in the edit. We did however try to get a varied amount of shots for this scene but I'm not to sure we got enough decent angles.

We then went to Mikes house and firstly filmed the entrance scene (girls arriving and knocking on the door) which didnt take long, while we waited for the extras to arrive. Slight issues with traffic interupting the sound, but we had it after 3 or 4 takes. We then filmed the rest of the scenes with chris and hannah, to use the time wisely. The extras arrived shortly after so we were able to start filming the party scene. We got the wide angles fist so the extras wouldn't have to stay very long, and we could focus on the fridge and sign scenes. The turnout of extras wasn't great and we could have done with a lot more to fill the space, hopefully ill be able to cover this up in the edit. For the party scene i recorded a buzz track, to lay over a montage sequence if i choose to do one, or to maybe have running throughout the scene, to give an even level and avoid jump cuts in the sound.

The Scene with the girls on the sofa went well, i thought the signing came across really well, and the acting was good. After this scene the extras left and we were left with Chris, Hannah and Jojo to do the fridge scene. It took along time and near the end i think everyone had lost their enthusiasm, as I'm sure will come through in the footage. It was a long day and shooting for so long in the same room really started to grind. I don't think the footage will be great for this scene, and may need to be redone altogether. There were also issues with the fridge 'humming' which i could pick up on the mic.

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