Tuesday 8 December 2009

Finished Radio show

Here is our finished radio show:

To download it use this link:

Monday 7 December 2009

Radio show progress

Last Tuesday Rachel and i met up and edited together our voxpops, this took quite along time due to the fact some of the recordings were not good enough to use, so we had to make do with the ones of a good enough quality. But we managed to finish them by the end of the day and were ready to compile the show the next day.

We all met up on the Wednesday to record the voice over and edit. we finished the voice over quite quickly which meant we had the rest of the day to edit. Annie went home due to the fact she hadn't done the logic demo and was okay to leave myself and Rachel to edit. By the end of the day we had a substantual amount of the show edited, and only really had the music and automation to do.

To avoid any copyright issues i spoke to my friend who is a Drum and Bass producer named Grafix, and asked if we could use some of his tracks, he was happy to let us so this was a big help.

Here is a link to his Myspace:


Rachel and I then met today (monday) to finish the editing. We managed to finish quite quickly and were happy with it until we realised we were 30seconds over the time limit. So we were forced to cut the show down, which i personally feel hurts its potential, but none the less im still happy with the overall message and outcome, and feel we achieved what we wanted to - a fun yet insightful look at this freshers week, and a good idea of what next years freshers can expect.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

1.12.2009 Radio show production meeting

Action points/ Targets for the next week:

By Wednesday 2nd:

Harry - Get Voxpops of house mates for the 4 Questions.
- Get Music and copyright permission.

Rachel - Get Voxpops of house mates for the 4 Questions.
- Record SU president.

We are then going to meet at 10:00AM and compile the Voxpops and sample the music.

Thursday the 3rd:

Come up with the final narration/voice over and record it as a group (using Annie as the presenter) it will be useful if we have all the voxpops edited so we will have a rough guide line for how long each section of the narration will need to be.

Our main target for Thursday is to have all the audio we need recorded and available to edit, this will then leave us 3/4 days to edit and find out if we have missed anything. and give us time to gather it if we need to.

Friday 20 November 2009

Photo montage Proposal

The theme for my montage is going to be an urban area at night. The Music i will be using is:

The reason i chose to do use this song is because firstly, its at a good pace, 98-100 BPM is great for rolling cuts, but can also be good for slow or fast cuts due to the fact the song intensifies as more beats/sounds come in, and sounds slower during the breakdowns.
Secondly because i love the Urban/Robotic feel this song gives, it almost sounds futuristic.

Im going to take my photos in Bristol, as it has lots of big buildings and an overall urban feel. Im also going to take my photos at night to match the mood of the song, quite dark and techy.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Soundscape Idea

My soundscape idea is to gather a collection of sounds/noises that represent a typical pub atmosphere. I chose to do this because pubs, especially in england have a distinct vibe and i want to try and capture this through sound.
Key sounds i will need to capture are:

A lighter spark
Chairs moving
These are the main sounds that i will plan to record, although if i think of any other sounds/hear any whilst recording i will capture them too.

I will be using an Edirol R-09 to capture these sounds, because it is light weight/small, so its easy to record in a busy pub, and still capable of a decent sound quality.

Pub Soundscape

Here is my finished Soundscape:

If you would like to download it please follow this link:


Radio Show Idea/Progress

Our groups original idea for a radio show was to create something for the Bath Spa Freshers of next year. Our rough ideas included reviews of nights out, societys, clubs, hot spots for students through out Bath and interviews with 2nd and 3rd years to see what they enjoyed the most about their freshers week. But after some consideration and advice from our tutor we realised that this would be to much to fit in to a 6 minute show.

So we adapted our idea and decided to focus more on the current years freshers. Our aim is now to make a show that will contain information on what was good/bad about this years freshers week and hopefully give freshers of next year an idea of what to expect, and look forward to.

Our show will be based around the answers to these 4 questions, in a vox pop format:

1)What was your favorite night and why?
2)Was there anything that wasn't at freshers that you would have liked to see?
3)What was the stupidest thing you did during freshers week?
4)What advice would you give to future freshers

We will then finish the show by talking to the SU president and asking him this:

How do you think this years freshers went and what will you do differently next year?

These questions will hopefully give a rounded view of freshers and give enough information to interest people and make them want to look into it in more detail.

We are planning to record our vox pops next week, and gather sounds from the SU on a flirt night to use as a background to the show, which will be faded down when the presenter is talking.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Do i really need Treatment

My programme will follow an ex ketamine addicts day by day life, cross cut with interviews, and factual segments. The audience will hopefully grow a relationship and feelings toward the character throughout the programme, contradicting the usual dislike of a known drug user. By following this character we will see how they've got their life back on track since quitting, this will hopefully give an incentive to anyone that uses ketamine to quit. And the contrast between the characters standard of life on ketamine, and after it (a major improvement) will put people of doing or trying it.

The factual segments will include information on the drug, where its from, its effects, and the negative effects of it on the human body. Also during these segments i will try and get an interview with a doctor to really emphasize the seriousness of ketamine addiction through his knowledge and through the information he can provide about its negative effects. Ill also talk to people who are addicted to it, and find out what got them into it, and ask if they would change things if they could.

Do i really need Proposal

My idea is to create a programme called 'Do i really need Ketamine'. This is of course a play on words as no-one actually needs ketamine, but the aim of my show is to look at ketamine from a balanced view point, rather than the typical way of stating its a bad thing. I want to raise awareness of the drug through talking to people who have experienced what it's like to be addicted to it. The reason i want to make this programme is because of the growing number ketamine users in the UK, and with Bristol being one of the highest areas of use just down the road, i hope to give useful, not commonly known information to try and raise awareness of the negatives, and ultimately put people off using it. Because its a relatively unknown drug in terms of people knowing the facts and effects of it, i think if they were to see/hear about them in a clear and factual way, they will be shocking enough to put people off. The reason its quite unknown will also help to draw a wider audience, for example: Teenagers, parents of teenagers, people who know users, people who don't know much about it, and people who use it themselves.

Tuesday 27 October 2009


Soundscapes are noises or sounds that refer to, or reflect a certain environment. We can relate to a place through particular sounds sometimes consciously, and sometimes unconsciously. The word soundscape originated from the word ‘landscape’ and refers to an auditory environment, in which the listener is immersed. In other words, an environment of sound. Different soundscapes will have different effects on individuals, depending on their relationship with the chosen environment. They often use natural sounds to create an atmosphere for the listener. Soundcsapes are used in a wide range of areas, and for a wide range of things. They are common in nature programmes to accompany images/footage.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Vox Pops

Vox pops are usually a montage of peoples responses to questions on a particular topic. The Term ‘Vox Pop’ means ‘Voice of the people’ and originated from the latin phrase Vox populi. Vox pops are often used to try and convey popular opinions about the chosen topic. The fact that you can see the interviewee gives more of an insight in to their answer because you can see their facial expressions and physical behaviour, which can be more useful than typical demographic information (e.g. name age etc)

Vox pops are a good tool for many different reasons. They can be entertaining to watch, therefore keeping the viewer interested in what’s being said, which gives more of an impact than seeing figures on a graph for example. The answers given are normally to the point and people tend to be more open on film. The fact you can shoot them in the interviewee’s environment can sometimes reflect their opinions and shows the audience this environment.

The downsides to vox pops include: Some people may feel uncomfortable being filmed. People may stray away from their point. There may be a low response rate from the public/people you want to interview. And its not always easy to get a balanced view.

Its best to have short open ended questions to engourage short and honest to the point answers. It also helps to be quick in asking if they will participate and shooting them, this stops them worrying about what they look like, what people will think etc. A good mix of genders and races is always better because it gives more impact to the point you are trying to make, it stops the audience thinking you’ve just targeted a specific social group with similar views, and actually got a wide range of peoples views and opinions.