Monday 7 December 2009

Radio show progress

Last Tuesday Rachel and i met up and edited together our voxpops, this took quite along time due to the fact some of the recordings were not good enough to use, so we had to make do with the ones of a good enough quality. But we managed to finish them by the end of the day and were ready to compile the show the next day.

We all met up on the Wednesday to record the voice over and edit. we finished the voice over quite quickly which meant we had the rest of the day to edit. Annie went home due to the fact she hadn't done the logic demo and was okay to leave myself and Rachel to edit. By the end of the day we had a substantual amount of the show edited, and only really had the music and automation to do.

To avoid any copyright issues i spoke to my friend who is a Drum and Bass producer named Grafix, and asked if we could use some of his tracks, he was happy to let us so this was a big help.

Here is a link to his Myspace:

Rachel and I then met today (monday) to finish the editing. We managed to finish quite quickly and were happy with it until we realised we were 30seconds over the time limit. So we were forced to cut the show down, which i personally feel hurts its potential, but none the less im still happy with the overall message and outcome, and feel we achieved what we wanted to - a fun yet insightful look at this freshers week, and a good idea of what next years freshers can expect.

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