Tuesday, 17 May 2011

kill it kid pre production

For our module retake we filmed a band called kill it kid at Komedia in bath. We had originally been planning on making a short film, but this was a much better opportunity and really helped us, given the amount of other work we had on this year.

Kill it Kid are a band originally from Bath, and over the last 3 years have quickly progressed in to a well renowned, and much anticipated young band. And after several tours and even one in America, they are returning to finish off a UK tour in their home city. They are signed to One Little Indian Records and have received high ratings (8/10, 9/10) from such prestigious magazines as NME and Clash. Below is there latest single 'Pray on me'

There wasn't really much to do in pre-production, compared to say a short film, and was all a lot closer to the actual event. So a few days before (pretty much as soon as we found out we were going to be filming this) I went down to Komedia with Tom to check out the venue, and figure out different places we could put the camera, we also to met the event organiser and staff. This was good because we were able to talk to her about where we were allowed to go, and film. She was really helpful and even gave us access to the balcony to get a high angle, where the public weren't allowed.

It really helped checking out the venue before hand, because when we went away we had an Idea of where we were going to shoot from, and the size of the venue. We could also plan how many cameras we would need to cover the event, and what equipment we would need. I then went away and researched the band, and listened to a wide range of their songs. Mainly so I could try and remember big bits to film, for example solo's, guitar solos, breakdowns etc.

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